Tuesday 25 July 2023

The economics of environmental sustainability


The link between environmental sustainability and economic growth emphasises the significance of maintaining an equilibrium between the two. Growing economies and expanding industries frequently result in more resource use, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions, which worsen the environment and create ecological imbalances. But for a sustainable future, it is crucial to understand how economic success and environmental health are interdependent. 


How is economic growth related to sustainability?


Natural resource availability and effective use are crucial for economic growth. Energy, water, mineral, and raw material consumption rises as economies prosper and populations rise. According to a survey, only moderately nature-dependent industries alone generate 37% of GDP. Over half of the world's GDP  i.e. $44 trillion represents a higher level of business dependence on nature and its services than was previously believed of economic value creation that is heavily or partially dependent on the environment.  

Without sustainable practices, resource overexploitation may take place, depleting important reserves and jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their demands.


In an increasingly conscious market, environmentally responsible companies attract eco-friendly steps to mitigate risks associated with climate change and resource scarcity.


Business activities and their impact on the environment

The impact of business activities on the environment is a pressing global concern. According to The Guardian, "just 100 companies alone are responsible for 71% of environmental damage"


Resource depletion:

Industrialization and the growth of businesses have resulted in alarming resource consumption. Businesses consume natural resources like wood, water, and minerals, which lead to their depletion and limit the supply to future generations.


Loss of biodiversity:

Businesses affect the environment with activities that include activities like mining, and agriculture contribute to diminishing biodiversity. 


Waste Generation: 

Business operations produce substantial amounts of waste, so much so that, only 9% of the 9.2 billion metric tons of plastic waste produced globally has been recycled, with most ending up in landfills or the environment.


What are sustainable business practices?

Sustainable business practices for economic growth involve a strategic approach that prioritizes environmental and social responsibility alongside financial prosperity. Embracing energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and waste reduction measures enables businesses to lower operational costs and enhance competitiveness. 


Strategical environmental sustainability for business


Adopt Green Technology:

Embracing green technologies and renewable energy sources is a fundamental step for businesses to reduce their environmental footprint while fostering economic growth. Businesses in 89 countries have already adopted the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting(SEEA) how ecosystems support economies as a whole and whether or not this support is eroding by measuring metrics like ecosystem diversity, size health, etc. Implementing energy-efficient systems, such as LED lighting, energy-saving appliances, and smart building solutions, not only lowers operational costs but also decreases greenhouse gas emissions.


Integrate circular economy principles:

A paradigm of manufacture and consumption known as the "circular economy" encourages sharing, renting, and reusing, of already-used goods. , businesses can extend the lifespan of their products, reduce waste, and save resources.


Collaborate with NGOs and stakeholders, government:


Policy Advocacy  

More than 90% of businesses now collaborate with governments and NGOs to advocate for policies that promote sustainable practices. A new green deal by the government of the UK will foster economic growth by 50% through maintaining environmental sustainability. 


Joint Initiatives 

Collaborating on joint initiatives, such as conservation projects, renewable energy programs, or waste reduction campaigns, can leverage the expertise and resources of all stakeholders involved.


Invest in eco-friendly technologies:

Government and NGOs often offer funding like tax incentives and the adoption of eco-friendly technologies to stay ahead.


Roadmap for businesses to increase economic growth besides maintaining a sustainable environment 


Market Expansion: 

Identifying untapped opportunities and adapting eco-friendly products to meet diverse consumer needs, which can attract environmentally conscious customers seeking eco-friendly solutions and stimulate economic growth.


Invest in research:

Innovation allows businesses to address evolving customer demands and stay ahead of the competition.


Attract investors:

Environmentally conscious businesses are more likely to be chosen socially responsible investors, hence, economic growth doubles due to access to capital.


AI adoption:

Marketing approaches with AI-driven solutions can minimize the risk of overconsumption of resources by saving energy costs, cost of raw materials etc.


Maintaining environmental sustainability while fostering economic growth- a BIG challenge?


Short-term Economic Focus:

The pressure to show immediate financial results can lead to decisions that prioritize profit over environmental considerations. Almost one-third or 6%-7% of the business profit will be lost in the process of recovering environmental hazards.


Scarcity of resources: 

The business now tends to overlook the scarcity of resources which potentially will hinder long-term economic growth. The risk of overexploiting finite resources may impact future growth.


Resistance to Change:

Resistance to change from employees, management, or shareholders can impede progress towards sustainability. Failing to embrace sustainable practices and adapt to changes needed can lead to ecological problems 


Difficulty in minimizing trade-offs:

With the establishment of more industries, environmental degradation has increased more than ever. To reduce this problem, businesses must invest in infrastructure and operations that reduce carbon footprint



Greenwashing is when a business represents itself as environmentally conscious only for promotional purposes, they don't invest in any resources or strategies for sustainability. This is a sneaky marketing tactic to trick customers to purchase services from businesses that care about the planet. 



To conclude, a business that seeks a healthy balance between economic growth and environmental responsibility makes a significant shift towards profit. The objective here is to rebuild structures in such a manner that promotes sustainable growth and transforms the economy at the same time. Businesses in future are likely to pave the path for a vibrant global economy that safeguards our valuable natural resources by incorporating efficient and strategic sustainability.


Author Bio: 

This article is written by Mark Edmonds. Mark is a prolific assignment writer at Academic Assignments. With a deeper understanding of economic principles and theories, he excels in catering top-quality economics assignment help. He aims to assist students to grasp complex economic concepts and achieve academic excellence. 



Tuesday 4 July 2023

Mastering the Art of Strategic Planning and Decision-Making


What is strategic planning?

Strategic planning includes defining an organization's identity, purpose, and principles, as well as assessing its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By using strategic planning and decision-making processes, organizations identify their aims and objectives, assess their existing situation and available resources, and select the best course of action.


What is decision-making?

In the context of the planning process, decision-making is the process of selecting the best approaches and making sound choices to achieve organizational goals. It entails reviewing current data available, assessing potential risks and rewards, taking into account multiple points of view, and finally choosing options that align with the strategic goals of the organisation. 


Importance of strategic planning and decision-making in organizations

·        Strategic planning and decision-making are the keys to saving a business by providing a long-term approach and sustainability for a company. 

·        It offers a road map for the organization's operations and assists shared goals.

·        This guarantees everyone is working together, boosting efficiency.

·        Organizations can make better-informed decisions by considering the long-term effects of choices. 

·        A company's various departments and operations can align and coordinate more easily through strategic planning.


The process of strategic planning


1.     SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis evaluates both general and niche facets of your business.  It serves as a structure for assessing the competitive position of a business as well as its advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats.


2.     Environmental Analysis

Environmental analysis helps businesses discover the possibilities and hazards that exist in their industry through a variety of techniques, including SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, scenario planning, etc. Through this process, organizations can properly allocate resources and improve overall business performance. 


3.     Strategy formulation 

An organization's strategy is developed by conducting an analysis to determine the best course of action to attain its goals and vision. This covers tactics like product diversification, market expansion, and cost leadership. 


4.     Strategy implementation 

Strategy implementation includes delegating tasks, defining deadlines, and creating performance metrics to monitor advancement. To ensure consistency with the organization's goals, successful strategic planning needs efficient collaboration, communication, and monitoring.


The process of decision-making in an organization 

Companies employ a variety of decision-making methods in strategic decision-making processes. The situation and environment will determine the type of decision-making process adopted. For example,


1.     Programmed and non-programmed decision

Programmed decisions are often made at lower tiers of the organization. The goal of programmed decisions is to preserve consistency and efficiency in decision-making based on established criteria. For instance, Consider normal employee vacation requests as an illustration.


The non-programmed decisions, on the other hand, are characterized by their complexity, unstructured nature, and distinctive nature. They occur in unknown circumstances without established rules or predefined responses. Top-level managers have the knowledge and power to deal with complicated challenges and frequently make non-programmed decisions. 


2.     Policy decisions and Operational decision

Operational decision-making is influenced by policy decisions. They deal with subjects like organisational culture, government, ethics, managing risks, or the allocation of resources.


On the other hand, operational decisions are strategic decisions made at lower levels of the organisation to deal with particular operational problems. They are relevant to disciplines like manufacturing, sales, marketing, staffing, or customer service. Decisions about operations are generally time-sensitive, particular, and detailed.


processes of making effective decision in business

Decision-making models

A decision-making model is a well-organized framework that directs people or groups through the process of arriving at wise conclusions. It offers structured planning, stages, and criteria for analyzing possibilities, comparing alternatives, and deciding on the best course of action. Decision-making models assist organisations in making judgements that are logical, consistent, take into account pertinent factors, and minimize biases. Transparency and accountability are improved through decision-making frameworks. For example,


1.     Bounded rationality decision

The bound rationality decision-making model suggests that after limiting their options to a reasonable set, organizations should select an initial solution that meets their need. For instance, a company decides to launch a product so they analyse key sales projections and previous product launches to make informed decisions. 


2.     Incremental Decision making

A decision-making strategy known as the incremental decision-making model is making minor, progressive tweaks or changes based on prior knowledge and experience. Organisations can make decisions using the incremental approach in manageable steps, lowering the risks involved in abrupt, significant changes.


Best practices in strategic planning and decision making 


·        Involve Stakeholders

In the decision-making process, stakeholders bring diverse perspectives. This process involves a thorough thorough analysis of the external environment and a better comprehension of new trends, market dynamics, legislative changes, and other elements that have an impact on the organization's strategies. 


·        Make data-driven decisions

Data-driven decision-making is regarded as a best practice for business planning and strategic decision-making since it involves making well-informed decisions based on data analysis. The chances of success of businesses can be increased by lowering the risks involved in their strategic decisions


·        Measure flexibility of decisions

A way to gauge how adaptable and responsive strategic planning and decision-making are to changing and unpredictable circumstances is to measure flexibility. Organisations can evaluate how well they can shift direction, accept change, and grab new chances. Organisations can stimulate creativity and make better decisions by assessing flexibility, which offers useful information. 


·        Continuously evaluate the decision process 

It aids in determining whether the anticipated effects and goals are being attained.

king well-informed decisions based on data analysis. The chances of success of businesses can be increased by lowering the risks involved in their strategic decisions


·        Measure flexibility of decisions

A way to gauge how adaptable and responsive strategic planning and decision-making are to changing and unpredictable circumstances is to measure flexibility. Organisations can evaluate how well they can shift direction, accept change, and grab new chances. Organisations can stimulate creativity and make better decisions by assessing flexibility, which offers useful information. 


·        Continuously evaluate the decision process 

It aids in determining whether the anticipated effects and goals are being attained. Enables responsiveness and agility in organizations enabling faster adjustments.



Developing a strategic plan and making decisions are essential to an organization's success. These processes make it possible for organisations to foresee and adapt to environmental changes, spot dangers and opportunities, and coordinate their actions with their goals and objectives. On the other hand, decision-making directs the choice of the best suitable tactics and activities to accomplish those objectives. Both processes require careful examination and evaluation because they are interrelated. Organisations can use strategic planning and decision-making to create innovation, growth, and long-term value creation by adopting best practices, accepting flexibility, and developing a culture of cooperation and learning. Shortly, organisations must remain flexible, knowledgeable, and devoted in the face of an uncertain business environment.



Author Bio 

This article is written by Mark Edmonds, an accomplished assignment writer. With a focus on providing MBA assignment help to students, Mark has gained a reputation for delivering high-quality assignment help to students that contributes to students' academic success.